Happy Camping Thanksgiving: 9 things I am thankful for

by Jim Bessey, editor
The boys relax at our final fall campsite at KOA Canandaigua
 Sometimes, amid the rush to get the trailer hooked up and hit the road, I forget how lucky we are to be able to take off and enjoy the great outdoors and the company of family and friends. I spent a few minutes today reflecting on our good fortune.
  • I'm thankful my wife is willing to go camping with me, and that she inspired the search for our little Shasta camper.
  • I'm thankful that my youngest son has been willing to sleep in the "loft" these past few years, with only a minor complaint now and then. What a trooper!
  • I'm thankful that my oldest is the greatest high-design campfire builder in the Northeast. His fires are works of art -- and hot, too!
  • I'm thankful that God invented all sorts of wonderful trees, so that our campfires might burn with a myriad of delightful colors and scents. I like cherry best.
  • I'm thankful that we have friends who like camping just as much as we do.
  • I'm thankful that we can still afford the gas to haul our trailer to the campground, even at $3 per gallon. Good thing there are nice camping resorts close to home.
  • I'm thankful that some campgrounds have Wi-Fi -- and that some don't.
  • I'm grateful to whomever invented the roll-out awning. Shade and shelter in two minutes -- what a concept.
  • And finally, I'm thankful to all the wonderful people who spend their summers running campgrounds -- so we have really nice places to go, with clean restrooms and cool game rooms and mini-golf and stuff.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our camping friends and campground hosts. Thank you all!
  What have I forgotten? I'd be grateful for your thoughts on Thanksgiving and camping. Anybody having turkey dinner at the table in a motorhome this year?


  1. Well, Jim, I'm thankful for your lovely posts here. You always bring a smile to me.

  2. I am thankful for sleeping bags that are temperature rated.

    I am thankful for my camping buddies who always make our trips an adventure.

    I am thankful that we arrive at the campsite and return home safely.

    I am thankful that when I bring the broken stove, one of our friends always seems to have a spare.

    I am thankful that in 1959, someone built our trailer that feels like home.

    I am thankful that this blog exists so I can camp, even when I am stuck at home.
    Thanks Jim

  3. Thank you both for your thoughtful Thanksgiving replies, Glory and Ann. And, Ann, I thought MY camper was an oldie but goodie -- 1959, how cool is that?!

  4. r.a. kukkee12:27 PM

    What a great "Thanks" posting, Jim. I really enjoyed reading it, AND I also closed my eyes for a bit, imagining having turkey dinner at camp.
    It would be wonderful, no doubt about it! The food is so good! No wonder "We like camping better! "
    All the best and Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I don't remember how long it has been since you started this site, Jim, but it has certainly developed into a terrific site for camper lovers like yourself. Well done!

  6. Thanks for joining my little Thanksgiving celebration, Raymond and Diane. Imagine a turkey roasted over the campfire? Or, maybe not! -grin-

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I have not stopped by here in a while...impressed with how your site has grown.
    This is truly a home spot for the regulars who have camping in their blood. Nice place to visit.

  8. Great to see you here, Olivia. Thanks for your kind words.

  9. I was the one who invented the roll out awning, I was 6 years old and my mum didn't get my idea patented. A company in England took my design and because it wasn't patented they stole it from me. I have invented lots of things. Some ideas were stolen from me and some, I haven't had chance to put pen to paper yet. I'm really glad you like my invention and its nice to know I've made people's lives a little easier. Gods honest truth tho, I did invent this
